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Master World of Warcraft and Other Games

If you ask anyone how to get better at anything, the most common advice you will hear is that you must practice. Malcolm Gladwell's rule states that you need to put in 10000 hours in order to become world-class in any field. Although this may be true to a certain extent, 10000 hours of bad practice can end up making you even worse than you were in the beginning. So how do u get better and possibly become a master? Goal setting is key in any undertaking, and gaming is no exception. Your goals need to be S.M.A.R.T. S-Specific M-Measurable A-Attainable R-Relevant and T-Timely Avoid setting vague goals like "I'm going to complete this level". Be more accurate along the lines of "In [x amount of time], I want to be on level [x] or a level up or "I want to complete [x] amount of raids in [x amount of time]". Detail out a plan of how you want to achieve your listed goals, keep a notebook and check off completed tasks. Make this a routine in other ...

You Are The Brand

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Nothing sets you apart more from the crowd than a valiant effort to differentiate yourself. Investing in your image goes a long way toward building what ultimately becomes your own brand.  Developing your personal brand is crucial to your success as an individual, as well as a professional or business owner.

If you were to take a moment right now and think of one of your favorite brands, there is a prevailing theme that you will notice. Each brand has a way to differentiate itself from all its competitors. They all have a mission statement, a vision statement and visual elements that set them apart. But the most critical thing - the secret sauce if you would like to call it that, or the juice - is their brand story.

The fundamental to building a solid brand is knowing your brand story. This includes everything mentioned above, from the mission, to the vision, right down to the visual elements of your own brand. Knowing yourself is key to building your brand story. Know where you are right now as a person. Self-introspection is key in this regard.  Looking inside and learning who you are at this very point in time.

Setting goals and objectives lays the groundwork for what you want to achieve as a brand. This guarantees that you have something to look back on when you seem to stray from the things you should be doing and the achievements you should be unlocking. Picture a sailor navigating the open shores without a compass or any navigation mechanism. He is bound to either get lost or die. Lack of goal and objective setting is simply brand suicide. In the case of an individual's brand, it is basically leaving everything to chance, leading up to years and years of unproductivity and regret.

It is crucial to remember that you are a walking brand, where ever you are present, you are communicating about yourself. Even when you are blatantly choosing to misrepresent yourself. When you don't build yourself, you simply deteriorate and waste away. Your talents dwindle, you become mediocre and you just end up fading away, wondering where it all went wrong.

The awesome thing about building yourself up and making your brand is that it's an ongoing process. So before we get all doom and gloomy, remember that at any point in time in time, you are in charge of rewriting the course of your brand. At any point in time you can decide to start to work towards being the best version of yourself and turning things around.

Get out there. Experience life. Create your story and do awesome things. In a world filled with replicas, refuse to be a duplicate.

Be original.
Be You.

Weebly - Websites, eCommerce & Marketing in one place.


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