
Master World of Warcraft and Other Games

If you ask anyone how to get better at anything, the most common advice you will hear is that you must practice. Malcolm Gladwell's rule states that you need to put in 10000 hours in order to become world-class in any field. Although this may be true to a certain extent, 10000 hours of bad practice can end up making you even worse than you were in the beginning. So how do u get better and possibly become a master?

Goal setting is key in any undertaking, and gaming is no exception. Your goals need to be S.M.A.R.T.
R-Relevant and
Avoid setting vague goals like "I'm going to complete this level". Be more accurate along the lines of "In [x amount of time], I want to be on level [x] or a level up or "I want to complete [x] amount of raids in [x amount of time]". Detail out a plan of how you want to achieve your listed goals, keep a notebook and check off completed tasks. Make this a routine in other objectives in your life as well so it becomes a conscious thing whether you apply it to work or gaming.

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Be engaged in the game. Avoid distractions like being on social media or doing other things while you play. If you need to do something else, give it your complete attention, then get back to the gaming and vice versa. Question the decisions you are about to make and how they align with the goals you wanna achieve. When you think about decisions before making them you will become a better strategic player and this will lead to even better gaming as you continue playing. Instead of straining yourself with unengaged play, choose shorter play times where you can give your full attention to the game. Instead of 5 hours of gaming filled with distractions, 2-3 hours of quality gameplay might help you achieve your goals and objectives even faster.

You become the average of the 5 people you hang out with, according to Drew Houston. If you engage with mediocre players, there is a high chance you'll be mediocre as well. The best way to sharpen your skills is to surround yourself with the best gamers and challenge them as well. Create a feedback mastermind group with the players you admire and ask them to critique your game playing skills and give you feedback on where you can improve. Take their advice and avoid repeating the same mistakes that have been holding you back from advancing and being a better player. The more feedback you receive, the better you will become at picking up mistakes before you make them. Feedback is pivotal in getting better, especially if it comes from a trusted and experienced source.
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Get out of your comfort zone. You may only play a certain level or portion of the game because it doesn't challenge you and you always win. Push yourself and explore more difficult levels to test yourself against the best. Challenge and play a level above yourself or a few levels above if the game allows. This will allow you to take on some familiar opponents who have just leveled up from a similar skillset as your own. If you are constantly failing at the higher levels, consider practicing within the bounds of the 1-2 levels above yourself.

Review skills that you have acquired as you have been leveling up. From time to time, visit the arena or practice area of the game you are playing, and just explore the controls and various combinations. Deliberate practice helps you to apply what you are learning when it's time for actual gameplay. When you practice this way, you are able to build better game strategy and incorporate the other things you have been learning from the feedback you have been receiving from the master gamers you have acquainted yourself with.

With all the above strategies and others you may acquire from various other sources, you should be on your way to being a master gamer.
So what are you waiting for?
It's Game Time!
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